Saturday, February 21, 2009


How To Get Rid Of Cellulite

What is the one thing every woman is dying to know? Simple-how to get rid of cellulite. Cellulite is not a medical concern. That is, it won't literally kill you. However, many women feel like their cellulite is the end of the world. Fortunately, modern medical procedures are becoming available to help end cellulite's terrible reign. Women are finding it easier to get the appearance they've always wanted by learning more about the removal of cellulite and the options they have for doing so. Learning about your options is always the best thing to do whenever any medical procedure or condition is concerned. Knowledge is power and becoming more knowledgeable can not only help you find answers, but it can help you know what questions to ask.

The first question you need to ask in this case is "What is cellulite?" of course. Cellulite is that bumping skin effect that looks like an orange peel and is commonly found on the backs of your thighs. Most women have cellulite-even famous models and actresses, although theirs has been magically removed with photo editing programs. However, it is important to note that no one has yet pointed out a single cause of cellulite. It has been proposed that cellulite is associated with obesity, but we can see that this is not always true. Others suggest that gender, genetics, and race play a role in the cause of cellulite.

It is difficult to treat something when you don't know the cause, but scientific researchers are making headway. Diet and exercise play a role in the reduction of cellulite and although this won't make your cellulite disappear completely, it can help the condition from worsening. Topical treatments can help as well.

Be wary, however, of any treatment that promises to get rid of your cellulite. There is no known way to do so yet. Such treatments, often creams that you can order from television and magazine advertisements, often charge lots of money for products that aren't very effective. Instead, ask your doctor for suggestions. Treatments he or she recommends usually include ingredients derived from vitamin A, like retinol. Liposuction and other cosmetic surgeries are also available to help you deal with cellulite.

Whatever method of treatment you choose, it is simply best to remember that you are not alone. No treatment will help you if you don't feel good about yourself with or without cellulite. If you have concerns about your appearance, talk to
a professional as soon as possible for help.

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